大部分的新娘在自己的大喜之日,肯定都期待地球只为自己而转——但绝对不是字面的意思所指。 Most brides would expect the earth to move on their wedding day - but not literally. 中国南方的四川省日前遭遇地震,截至目前地震已经造成188人死亡。而在这场大规模地震发生前,一位叫陈莹的电视台主持人正准备开始她的婚礼。 TV reporter Chen Ying was just about to take her nuptials when a massive earthquake, which has so far claimed more than 188 lives, struck in southern China. 地震发生后她没有惊慌失措,而记者的直觉让她立刻反应过来,直接就从现场开始进行报道。 But instead of panicking, her journalistic instincts kicked in and she got straight to work on reporting from the scene. 来不及换下礼服摘掉头纱,这位勇敢的女主持人抓起麦克就开始描述起地震现场的情况。 With no time to ditch her bridal gown and veil, the intrepid reporter grabbed a mic and began describing the scene in the province of Sichuan. 关于这位无私奉献的主持人的相关镜头在中国社交网站微博上迅速走红,用户们都对她的职业精神表示了赞扬。 The footage of her extraordinary dedication has gone viral on the Chinese social networking site, Weibo, where users are praising her professional spirit. 地震发生在四川省芦山县,当时是当地时间刚过八点钟不久,当地人大多刚从睡梦中醒来,就遭遇了这场地震。据悉地震已经造成了11470人受伤,另有25人失踪。 More than 11,470 people are reported to have been injured in the earthquake which struck mountainous Lushan county shortly after 8am this morning local time, and 25 people have been reported missing in the wake of the tremor. |
关键词:雅安地震 |